Jobkeeper objection template – claiming business participant


This is a template to use when objecting to or responding to questions about whether you are eligible to claim jobkeeper 1.0 using the basic test for an eligible business participant.  It can be modified to cover jobkeeper 2.0 and the alternate tests.

It is drawn as a table setting out the requirements and helps you put together the argument explaining why you are eligible.  It includes some examples of responses but these are for illustrative purposes only.

If you need to take this further (to the AAT or Federal Court) you will be limited to the grounds you set out in the objection.  For this reason, all grounds, including alternate arguments, need to be included.

If you have purchased this template you are entitled to a free 15 minutes support on how to use it.  Please call 02 7200 8200 to claim your free 15 minutes of support.

Please note the jobkeeper rules are complex.  These are the main provisions that would apply in most situations but it is not exhaustive.  We would recommend you use the 15 minutes of free support to confirm whether this template is enough, or alternatively what additional commentary you may need to add to the template for your situation.

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Title: Jobkeeper objection template – eligibility to claim eligible business participant


This is an example template you want to explain to the ATO why you are eligible for to claim the jobkeeper as a business participant.

It is a template and includes some example arguments, contentions and submissions.

It also includes 15 minutes of free support on how best to use it.

You’re entitled to object to most decisions the ATO makes about your income tax affairs, including tax assessments, and your other tax and superannuation obligations and entitlements.

You should consider lodging an objection to a decision the ATO has made about your tax affairs if:

  • you disagree with the way the ATO has interpreted the law; for example, you disagree with an amended assessment the ATO has given you
  • you’re uncertain about your interpretation of the law (for example, you’re not sure whether you should have included some income on your tax return or claimed some expenses)
  • you want the option of seeking an external review if the ATO doesn’t agree with you.

This is an example only and may not be appropriate for your personal circumstances.  This example comes with 15 minutes of free advice from Specialist Law lawyers to help you tailor it to your needs.  If you wish to claim your free 15 minutes please call 02 7200 8200.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.


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