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Know the Law – Australian’s Source of Legal Advice Online.

If you’re looking for a website that can give you simple, easy to understand legal information on a range of topics, then this is the place for you. This site covers a range of Australian laws – business laws, debt laws, property laws, wills and estates, family law, defamation law, liquidation and insolvency and tax law. No matter how it may seem, you have rights. We’re here to help.

The key to resolving any dispute is knowing where you stand and then making a decision based on accurate information.

Usually the hardest part is working out where you stand so you can make a sound decision.

Know the Law – Australian’s Source of Legal Advice Online. It doesn’t matter if its a tax issue or dispute, a commercial law or contracts issue, a business issue, family law (including divorce, custody, wills), a property dispute, an issue on employment law, insolvency, migration, asset protection or defamation.  The whole wide range of laws come down to one principle:  know where you stand first and then make a sound decision found that foundation.

This means working out what your rights are, who to call, or what to read.  Everyone seems to be an expert and there is always someone out there who speaks with great confidence but doesn’t know what they are doing.  Its hard to find the right answer or know if what you are looking at is right.

We are hoping that the information we provide on this website helps you work out where you stand, or at least puts you on the right track.  Be it an issue with the ATO, the OSR (Revenue NSW or the state revenue office of any state), a commercial dispute, debt recovery dispute with a creditor or debtor, an issue with a liquidator who is probably chasing you for a payment of some kind, it doesn’t matter.

We are always happy to recommend lawyers and other professionals if you need help – tax lawyers, commercial lawyers, insolvency lawyers, family lawyers, property lawyers, wills lawyers, migration lawyers, accountants – in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth or national.  We have a broad network developed over decades of collective practice.

At the end of the day, the only way to get through a situation is to know where you stand and what your options are.

Know the law


Nine important things to consider before signing an employment contract

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Defending unfair preference payment claims from liquidators

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What to look out for in queensland property contracts

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Are directors personally liable for the debts of an insolvent company?

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Resolving Custody Disputes: 4 Important Steps

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Left out of a Will? Here’s Some Things You Can Do

At its most basic form, a Will is a legal document that advises family and friends what should happen to someone’s property after they die. If you feel you have been unfairly left out of a Will, you can challenge or contest it. Read on to see what steps you can take to do this.


Purchasing a NSW Property? Seven Key Contract Terms to Consider

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How to write the best Will to protect your family

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How to respond to a statement of claim or debt collector

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Divorce law: 5 things you need to know

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